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水渍险--- With Particular Average

一切险--- All Risks

额外保险--- extra premium

偷窃、提货不着险--- risk of Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery (TPND)

破碎险--- risk of Breakage

油渍险--- risk of Oil

渗漏险--- risk of Leakage

玷污险--- risk of Contamination

罢工暴动、民变险--- risk of Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion

淡水、雨淋险--- risk of Fresh Water Damage

提出索赔--- to lodge a claim

由某人付款--- for one’s account

商赞处--- Commercial Counselor’s Office

按发票金额--- at the invoice value

检验报告--- a survey report

独家代理--- sole agency

短交--- short delivery

猪鬃--- bristle

有广泛的业务联系--- have a wide connection with/be closely connected with/ do considerable business with/ have close contact with/ be in close contact with

销售代理人--- sales agent/selling agent

采购代理人--- purchasing agent/buying agent

独家代理人--- exclusive agent/sole agent

佣金代理人--- commission agent

广告代理人--- advertising agent

代理协议--- agency agreement

年成交量--- annual turnover

不遗余力--- spare no effort

生意兴隆--- a prosperous business

在这一方面--- in this connection

红豆--- Red Bean

销售条款--- sales terms

销售合同--- sales contract

销售额--- sales turnover

销售代表--- sales representative

市场活跃--- market active

市场呆滞---market dull

市价下跌--- market declining

行市坚挺--- market firm

行市疲软--- market easy

市况平稳--- market stable

市况坚挺--- market strong

市况不--- market uncertain

市场疲软---- market weak

控制市场--- to control the market

稳定物价--- to stabilize the price

加倍努力--- double your efforts

看透心事--- read one’s mind

国内需求会急剧上涨--- the domestic demand will go up sharply

定个时间--- fix the time

纺织品--- textile

电器产品--- electricity products

化工产品--- chemicals

达成协议--- come to terms with

增添和删除--- addition and deletion

市场下跌(熊市)--- with the market being bear

会议纪要--- meeting minutes

附件--- accessory

中国国际贸易促进委员会--- CCPIT

仲裁委员会--- Arbitration Commission

求助于仲裁--- resort to arbitration

享有很高声誉--- enjoy a high prestige

仲裁裁决--- arbitral award

完好无损--- sound and intact

中国商检局--- China Commodity of Inspection

符合出口标准--- be up to the standard of export

优质干蘑菇--- well-dried mushrooms of fine quality

向…...要求赔偿--- to approach …. For compensation

当场--- on the spot

证明--- certify/verify/testify

在途中--- during transit/en route/on the way

提出索赔--- to lodge/make/raise/issue/file/register/put in/ bring up a claim

短重--- short weight

就货进行索赔--- claim on goods

就损坏索赔--- claim for damage

就数量索赔--- claim for amount

向某人索赔--- claim with/against somebody

接受索赔--- to accept a claim

受理索赔--- to entertain a claim

同意索赔--- to admit a claim

驳回索赔--- to dismiss a claim

拒绝索赔--- to reject/decline/turn down a claim

解决索赔--- to settle a claim

放弃索赔--- to waive a claim

撤回索赔--- to withdraw a claim

提单清洁的--- Bill of Lading is clean

剪样--- cutting

权威部门--- authorized department

合同中写明的--- specified in the contract

接受索赔--- to entertain a claim

不可挽回的损失--- get retrievably lost

检验费--- inspection fee

理赔方面公平合理--- be prompt and equitable in settling claims

澄清问题--- get the matter cleared up

货物发霉不能食用--- the contents are moldy and unfit for consumption

密封--- airtight

塑料薄膜口袋--- plastic bag

迅速发货--- immediate/rush dispatch of the goods

董事会--- board of directors

为……铺平道路--- pave the way for

友善的洽谈--- amiable negotiation

留下深刻鲜明的印象--- leave a deep and vivid impression on somebody

主持会议--- to preside over a meeting

扩音器--- public address system

再见,一路顺风(法)--- Bon Voyage

检票 --- check in

与国际接轨--- bring in line with the international practice

登舱--- go on board

世界贸易组织--- World Trade Organization (WTO)




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